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Translation for 1 Timothy 2:1-3

Praying 210 Ministries has adopted 1 Timothy 2: 1-3 as the foundation for our goals and objectives. We have taken the liberty of providing an alternate English translation for the original greek word 'huperoché'


"So, first and foremost, I urge God’s people to pray. They should make their requests, petitions, and thanksgivings on behalf of all humanity. Teach them to pray for kings and leaders in places of influence (huperoché) so that we can lead quiet, peaceful lives—reverent, godly, and holy, all of which is good and acceptable before the eyes of God our Savior"


Original translation in the English Standard Version (ESV) reads “all who are in high places” or in other translations as “in authority” coming from the original Greek word 'huperoché' (hoop-er-okh-ay') which means to be placed above. Also defined as excellence, preeminence, elevated, a 'projected eminence' as in a mountain peak. The original readers would have understood this reference to mean anyone with any power or 'influence' to guide the decisions and actions that would effect their lives in their communities. Praying 210 Ministries has taken the liberty of providing an unofficial translation of the word 'huperoché' with the English word 'influence'.

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