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Fire Chief Pete Jankowski

This week, Praying210 has chosen Pete Jankowski to support through the power of prayer.

About Pete Jankowski

Fire Chief Pete Jankowski is a 27 year emergency services veteran and has worked in La Verne for the past 16 years. During that time, he spent 7 years as a command staff member of California Incident Management Team 4, one of 17 national incident management teams. His team was deployed to national disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Wilma and numerous large wildfires across the western United States. Pete has held positions as the Fire Department’s EMS coordinator, training officer and operations chief. He holds a bachelors degree in Public Administration from the University of La Verne and is a recent graduate of the University of Southern California with a Masters in Leadership from the USC Price School of Public Policy.

Our Prayer . . .

Merciful Father in heaven, look down in Your love upon all those who protect us and our family from the ravages of fire and flame. Especially Father, look over the one who leads them. Grant Pete the courage and skills to carry out his duties well and safely. When he and those under his command must go into the face of danger, be by their side in the smoke and flames. Watch over their families, ever reminding them that those who fight fire are also in Your loving care.

This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Encourage Pete Jankowski by leaving him a note below letting him know you have prayed for him!


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