Praying for Mayor Don Kendrick
Today, La Verne is praying for their Mayor, Don Kendrick.
About Don Kendrick
Occupation:Real Estate Broker
Council Activities:
210 Freeway Liaison (alternate)
4th of July Committee
Bonita Unified School District Liaison
Economic Development Sub Committee
Fairplex Liaison Committee
Financial Committee
La Verne Homeowners Association Liaison Committee
Legislative Committee
LA County City Selection Committee (alternate)
Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts 21 & 22
Mobilehome Park Liaison
Senior Advisory Committee
Successor Agency Oversight Board Member
ULV Liaison Committee
Youth & Family Action Committee
One of five children reared in La Verne, he was very close to his family. His mother and father were great influencers in his life and taught him the value of hard work. Kendrick’s father Harold Kendrick worked in the Civilian Conservation Corps, which was a public work relief program for unemployed men in the 1930s. Later, Kendrick’s father served on the La Verne Planning Commission and the La Verne Elementary and Bonita Union High School Districts’ school boards. “My father taught me honesty, hard work, making hard decisions, but always the right ones.” His mother Margaret, who always helped in the community, started the first Girl Scout troop in the city.
In 1968, Kendrick was drafted into the Navy. While in the service, he continued his education from 1968 to1974, on a Pacific Fleet Naval submarine patrolling near Guam and Hawaii. “These years had a lot of influence in forming who I am today,” Kendrick says. “Those six years changed my life.” After his service in the Navy, Kendrick worked as a cook at a local Cask ‘n Cleaver restaurant. He eventually opened his own restaurant, grew to invest in real estate and finally opened a brokerage company.
He is inspired by his past and recalls someone who made a difference in his life. “Billy Masters, who was my Boy Scout leader, made an impression on me,” Kendrick recalls. He stood for everything. He did not have a lot, and did not have a big, fancy house. But he had common sense. He was down-to-earth and incredibly wise. He was always there to help others.” Kendrick is also inspired by public leaders, namely Abraham Lincoln and Colin Powell, for the way they served their communities.
Our Prayer . . .
Father, we lift up before you the needs of our Mayor and ask that You would bless our city through his leadership. We pray that according to 1 Timothy 2:1-3 which tells us, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.”
We pray to give him wisdom and insight in order to make decisions in accordance with the good of all people. We pray for Your protection over our Mayor and his office. We pray these things in the Name of Your son Christ Jesus, Amen.
Click on the post card to send Don Hendrick a personal note, letting him know that you are praying for him this week. ------>