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Luis Cetina - Incoming Chairman of the Board - La Verne Chamber of Commerce

This week, Praying210 has chosen Luis Cetina to support and encourage through our thoughts and prayers.

Luis Cetina

Currently, Mr. Cetina is Vice President of the Board of Directors of Cucamonga Valley Water District. He also serves on the Association of California Water Agencies Water Management Committee.He is a principal governmental and regional affairs representative for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), where he has been employed since 1986. In his capacity at MWD, Director Cetina promotes water policy among government, chambers of commerce, and economic partnerships. His experience at MWD includes survey work, construction plan review, water supply forecasting, and legislative and policy analysis. He serves as president of the San Gabriel Valley Public Affairs Network and vice chair of the San Gabriel Valley Legislative Coalition of Chambers.Director Cetina earned his Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering with an emphasis on the environment from the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Director Cetina and his wife reside in Alta Loma with their six children, where he is active with his church and youth soccer league.


Pray that the Lord would raise up and establish "Apostles of Industry" for the Business sector of our city. Men and women of God with a Biblical wordview who:

  • Are business owners who love God and His Word.

  • Are business owners with apostolic gifting and calling.

  • Are motivated to intentionally seek first the Kingdom of God and all of God's righteousness instead of being motivated by greed or the love of money and power (Matt 6:33, I Jn2:15-17)

  • Love the city and want to see it prosper and fulfill its God-given destiny. (Is 62:1, cf. Jer 29:7)

  • Will build and establish successful kingdom businesses, or a network of businesses, which make a positive contribution to the welfare of the city and its people;

  • Will build and establish successful kingdom businesses which reflect the righteousness of God;

  • Will intentionally mentor and disciple young Christian business leaders in the developmenht of Kingdom businesses;

  • Pray that pastors and ministers see Christian businessmen and women as called of God as ministers in the marketplace and endorse them as such.

  • Will have generous hearts which give and establish methods that serve to help meet the needs of the people of San Antonio and especially of those of the household of faith. (James 1:27, Gal 6:10)


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